When we start working with you we want to know everything there is to know about you and your business, there is no piece of information too small.
Below is just a sample of the types of questions that the team here at Digital Nachos will ask you to help us better understand our business, its objectives, and what we are looking to achieve for you.
Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to know the answer to all of these questions. Quite often these questions just help us to ensure that we have covered as much as possible, which helps us to focus the work being undertaken and allow us to work with you to find the answers to any that you may not currently know.
The Basics:
- What is your business name
- What service/product do you provide
- Who is your audience – both current and your ideal/dream audience
- Where is your audience
- What is your current traffic/use level - access to your Google Analytics account is ideal
- What is the aim of this project - more leads, sales, brand awareness, efficient processes etc.
For a Deeper Understanding of your business:
- Who are your competitors
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, and so on
- What features on your current website, CRM, or business system do you like/dislike (a tour is ideal)
- What are the known gaps/missing features in your current website, CRM, or business system
- Are there any known issues/conflicts/constraints etc that we need to be aware of
For a Visual Understanding:
- What websites, CRMs, or business systems do you like/dislike
- What styles do you like/dislike – and how does this fit with your business branding
- Do you have a bank of suitable images ready for use on the website - or is this something that you would like us to provide
The Technical Questions:
- Do you have the domain/s that you plan on using - if not, what domain/s are you acquiring, and when
- Are you providing the content for the website - or is this something that you would like us to handle
- Do you need your website, CRM or business system to be integrated (manually or automatically) with any external systems - such as Google AdWords, Merchant Feeds, MailChimp, or your accounting software
- Where is your current website, CRM, or business system hosted
As mentioned, we don’t expect you to know the answer to all of these questions so please don't worry.
In our experience, a new website, CRM, or business system is an opportunity for businesses to think about how the business is going to go forward. An opportunity to iron out any known kinks so that it can be taken forward recharged and refreshed.