We have all heard of scams and know that they can target everyone at any time. But just what can you do as business to help protect your business and your customers from online scams? Let’s find out on Safer Internet Day!
Read MoreWe aren’t talking about a way of thinking, we are talking about Bluesky, the fast growing microblogging platform that is gaining lots of new members thanks to recent events in the USA. Learn more here.
Read MoreIt is Data Privacy Day so in honour of the day, we thought we would give you an overview of the main elements to keeping data private online. Take a look here…
Read MoreYou may have noticed some changes in your Instagram grid in the past week, Instagram have amended their grid so it is no longer a grid of square images. A shocker for many. Whilst this change is new, we have answered some of your questions here, check it out.
Read MoreThis is a public announcement for all business owners and managers. Please ensure that you have access to your accounts and know where your website domains and hosting are. Future you will appreciate your efforts!
Read MoreLooking for an easy life? Get to know your customers so that you can create content that you know they will like, you can showcase your offering in a way that works for them, and ultimately you can keep them returning again and again. How you ask? Well....
Read MoreLaunch your business into 2025 the way you mean to go on. To help you achieve this, we have created a simple step-by-step to help you get started!
Read MorePlanning your marketing efforts in the lead up to the big day (starts with a C)? Here are the dates to keep in mind.
Read MoreHere is a brief overview of Google’s latest search engine update, for those already applying good practices to their website there is nothing to be concerned about.
Read MoreLots of clients struggle to think of what video content they could share online so we have come up with the following list to help you out. Check the list out here and see our top tips for video content.
Read MoreYou may have seen the adverts for a new search engine called ‘Duck Duck Go’, but just what is DuckDuckGo? Learn more here with Digital Nachos.
Read More‘EAT’ stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Ensure that you apply the following steps to your website to ensure that your online presence portrays is not hindered.
Read MoreTikTok has developed substantially over the last few years, always aiming to make the platform more accessible and fun for its users. The latest change is that its maximum video length has changed from 3 minutes to a whopping 10 minutes!
Read MoreFacebook has renamed itself as ‘Meta’ to bring together all of the various companies and tech under their umbrella. What does this mean? And what do they mean by the ‘Metaverse’? Learn more here.
Read MoreIt's that time of the year again, the Christmas countdown is in full swing and Black Friday / Cyber Monday is coming up. With a focus on ecommerce this year, make sure your business is set up to make the most of this pre-Christmas flurry.
Read MoreDo you want to improve your Instagram profile? Then check out this blog post and follow each step to ensure that you become an ace on Instagram.
Read MoreChristmas 2020 was different for many, but just what does Christmas 2021 have in store for us? At the moment we are seeing two themes emerge, 'flexibility' and 'getting ahead'. Learn more here.
Read MoreYour website should be working as hard as possible for you and your business, do your calls to action (CTAs) assist, or do they hinder? Learn more here about how to use CTAs buttons on your website to ensure that your website is working hard.
Read MoreWith all the changes in our lives over the past year, keeping up with the latest in search engine optimisation (SEO) may have fallen to the bottom of your growing to-do list. To bring yourself back up to speed, check out our review of SEO in 2021 here.
Read MoreCookie warnings are necessary to comply with the EU’s data law, GDPR, which came into force in 2018. Now that the UK has left the EU there are plans to review this regulation to remove the bureaucracy that it has brought for businesses. Read more here.
Read MoreSocial media channels, including Instagram, are introducing waves of new features that are designed to protect their users from abuse online. Learn more here about what Instagram has done and what it is planning to help protect its younger users online.
Read MoreYour website should be a functioning and hard-working member of your team. If you are looking at your website and wondering why it's just not working, why it's just not bringing in the leads/sales that you believe it should be, then take a look at why this may be right here with Nachos.
Read MoreWhen designing a website there are many elements to consider and pull together, it is not just about making it look good. To help you get to grips with the key elements that can make or break your website design then check out our top five tips right here.
Read MoreWe are now four!!
After a rather odd year we are celebrating our birthday the only way we know, with a huge plate of nachos! Here is to year five!!
Read MoreIf you haven’t done so already then check out your Google my Business report, they have been improved so don’t let this data just sit there. Learn more about how to access this report here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreIt is tempting when you are designing your website to make it suit all. However, trying to target everyone is simply too difficult to achieve, it muddles your message and ends up alienating your target audience. Learn more here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreGoogle my Business have been listening to feedback and have now introduced a new way to manage reviews left all in one place, and more importantly to view the status of any that have been reported to Google. Learn more here.
Read MoreSocial media is one area of marketing that is seen to be the holy grail. Sadly, it's also one of the main areas of marketing that many business owners find overwhelming. Check out our latest blog post to find out what your social media focus should be.
Read MoreWith further easing of current Covid restrictions expected soon, just what do you need to consider to help your customers ease back into your brick and mortar stores? Find out here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreInstagram is an extremely popular social media platform here in the UK. Whilst its technically only for individuals 13 years of age and over, it is often used by children younger than 13. This has not gone unnoticed by Instagram and so they have plans to help protect youngsters, learn more here.
Read MoreOnce again we are starting to see lockdown lifting, from lockdown 3.0. Whilst not much has changed from the last time we lifted lockdown it certainly feels a lot more positive. What can you do to help prepare your business as we go through this re-opening? Learn more here.
Read MoreThe kids are back at school! The day we never thought would arrive is finally here, the kids are back and we can gain some kind of normality in our daily routines again. So, firstly, have a cup of tea and breathe. Then, let’s get cracking.
Read MoreSomething fun for you to do on a Tuesday, create your Facebook avatar. If you haven’t seen them yet then you may start noticing them as their use on Facebook increases. Learn more about how you can create your Facebook avatar here.
Read MoreIf you are a regular user of Instagram then you would have noticed that with their latest app update there is now a shopping tab. Find out more about this new feature and how you can utilise it here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreAround 80,000 .eu domains have been suspended by EURid due to the UK's departure from the European Union. What has happened to these domains? And if you currently hold one of these suspended domains, what can you do?
Read MoreThe internet is used every single day and it's a huge part of our lives. But just how do you protect yourself online? Learn more here with Digital Nachos on Safer Internet Day - 9th of February 2021.
Read MoreEvery new president updates the White House website at the start of their term in office - what is most interesting about the latest update is not only how dramatic the change in style is but how accessible it is. Learn more here.
Read MoreIt will come as no surprise when I say that the way that people shop has been changing over the past 10 months. But just how has shoppers behaviour changed and what can you do to match it.
Read MoreI think we can officially say that the start of 2021 has not been the start that we were hoping for. I think its also easy to say that we are not refreshed nor refocused for the year ahead. However, let's take things one thing at a time and prepare our selves for the rest of 2021.
Read MoreAfter the disaster of the year called 2020, I won’t mention the c-word, let's all summon up the energy and the cheer for a brand New Year!! Let’s make 2021 the year to get back down to business and rebuild whatever sanity we all have left.
Read MoreThis year has been different in so many ways so its unsurprising that this year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday were different as well. Check out the three main differences for this year here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreAfter lockdown part deux, we now wait for when retail stores can open back up. Whilst we wait it's important to do as much prep as possible to ensure that you can hit the ground running. Learn more here.
Read MoreAs we head into the final countdown for Christmas, seven weeks to go! Just what can you do to help push sales? Check out our simple steps to assist you and your business here.
Read MoreToday is National Nachos Day!!! To celebrate this year we served ourselves a HUGE plate of Nachos!!! After all, is there any other way we could have celebrated? Check out our review for a Nachos recipe we tried here.
Read MoreWith Bonfire Night upon us, we can all agree that 2020 has been a diabolical year.
Even though winter is underway and we are all counting down the days until the year is reset, let's try and make the last 58 days count.
Read MoreMost websites will have some type of form on their website and they are extremely helpful with conversions. However some forms don't encourage people to get in touch with you, they become so complex that they do quite the opposite. So just how do you make your forms less scary? Find out here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreThis year, Black Friday is taking place on the 27th of November and Cyber Monday is taking place on Monday the 30th of November. But how might Covid impact these key pre-xmas shopping dates and how can you prepare for the events? Learn more here.
Read MoreWith the Christmas countdown well and truly underway, let's look at John Lewis' virtual Christmas shop and how small businesses can also compete without a huge marketing budget.
Read MoreLinkedIn is having a refresh. It’s the first one for the platform in just under five years. Find out more about the new look and the features that will be introduced over the coming months.
Read MoreEvergreen content is a fantastic element to utilise on your website and by its very nature, can pay dividends time and time again. Learn more here about evergreen content, how to improve your evergreen content and why you need it on your website.
Read MoreAs we head towards the busiest time of the year for many of us, and the various coronavirus restrictions adding an extra layer of complications, just how do you stay on top of it all? Find out here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreMicrosoft, the founders of Internet Explorer, has announced that Internet Explorer will disappear from the internet in August 2021. What does this mean for its current users and business owners, find out here.
Read MoreIt's around this time of the year when we do our usual back to school blog post. However, this year this has been completely blown out of the window with Covid-19. So just how to do you prepare for the rest of 2020 and launch yourself in 2021?
Read MoreThis Christmas is sure to be different thanks to Covid-19. How are you going to manage your company this Christmas under the new ‘normal’? Well, let's consider what has changed and then how those changes can affect your company this Christmas.
Read MoreBlog and articles are fantastic features to have on your website. However, getting the right frequency of blog posts and ensuring that they are of good quality is often something that people struggle with. And of course, that all too common question - 'what should I blog about?' comes up. Nachos have answered all of your questions here.
Read MoreThe font Comic Sans is back with a vengeance.
The font that is a true marmite in the font world has caused quite a stir as it has been unveiled as one of the new fonts on Instagram stories.
Read MoreGoogle announced a while ago that they were switching to solely mobile-first indexing. Thanks to Covid-19 the deadline for this implementation has been postponed. Read more here.
Read MoreWe are all guilty of getting a bit excited when we launch a new product, marketing campaign or even business. But please, please, please check your hastags or domains used. See why it's so important here.
Read MoreThere is a new search engine on the block – Privado. Privado’s main selling point is the fact that it's private, hence the name. Learn more about this new search engine here and the impact that it may have on businesses.
Read MoreHere at Digital Nachos, we eat A LOT of nachos. Over time we have tried various recipes for nachos in various forms, check out our review of the BBC Good Food recipe for the best ever chunky guac here - spoiler alert, it didn't disappoint.
Read MoreI am sure we don’t need to tell you how much life has changed lately as a result of Coronavirus. But the real question what you can implement to help your ecommerce store continue to do well. Learn more here.
Read MoreWe are now three!!
Whilst this is not quite how we thought we would be spending our third birthday, we are celebrating none the less. How you ask! With Nachos of course!!
Read MoreThis new way of working has lead to some confusion about what companies and their employees need to be doing to ensure data protection. Check out our guide for both employers and employees to ensure that data is protected at all times.
Read MoreToday saw the beginning of lockdown lifting. However, ensure that you consider your customers to give the right message. Learn more here.
Read MoreAs we enter the 11th week of lockdown, and with the end not yet in sight, it's easy to see that there is a feeling of Corona fatigue. Read more here to learn what you can do to help this feeling.
Read MoreGoogle my Business has released an update which is aiming to help those who have had their ‘normal’ opening hours affected by recent events. Check it out here.
Read MoreBing has announced that it now shows straight forward ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers for certain queries in its search results. Learn more here.
Read MoreIt comes as no surprise that the current lockdown has fuelled a rise in e-commerce. See the latest stats on the success of e-commerce in the last few weeks here.
Read MoreWe discussed in May of last year the fact that Google was amending the way that they allow websites to appear in its search results. Google has made a further announcement on this, learn more about this announcement here.
Read MoreWith the current UK lockdown, it comes as no surprise that our use of the internet and search engines has shot up dramatically. But just what are we searching for at this point in lockdown? Find out here.
Read MoreNow, more than ever it is vital for businesses to change to suit the new 'normal'. Here are some of our ideas on how you can adapt to survive and thrive.
Read MoreWe have all been swamped lately by emails from a variety of companies. These emails informative and allow us to feel connected with them and their efforts. Check out more here.
Read MoreAs the country settles into what is likely to be a period of closures and disruptions to our ‘normal’ routines, for businesses it's vital that more than ever you keep your customers updated of your business hours.
Read MoreThe team here at Digital Nachos has always worked from home, either full time or for part of the week, since we entered the workforce all those years ago. We know something about making it work and so we have created the following guide to help those now working from home to adjust.
Read MoreAs people are self-isolating due to Coronavirus and some companies now encouraging their workers to work from home, just what tools and systems currently exist to help people work from home - check out our suggestions here.
Read MoreSpring has officially begun. Some people are using this time to brush away the cobwebs in their home, why not take this action and apply it to your social media channels?
Read MoreGoogle has announced that they are going to move data and user account information of its British users from the EU to the US. What does this mean for British data? Learn more here.
Read MoreWhen people want to learn more about a brand, their product/service, or even find out information to answer questions they may have, most of the time the first action they take is to Google the company name. How can you rank better for your name?
Read MoreEveryone is looking forward to 2020, we are now refreshed and focused on the year ahead. Make 2020 your best year yet by taking some time to review and plan for the year ahead.
Read MoreNow Christmas is very nearly over and people are looking forward to ringing in the New Year, how can your business join in with this feeling to help launch you into January with some momentum?
Read MoreContent has always been King. However, in recent years the way we absorb information has changed. Videos are a fantastic resource on websites and we should all be using them much more.
Read MoreWith 2019 nearly over, what do we believe is going to be the main focus for online marketing in 2020. Lets see…
Read MoreBlack Friday and Cyber Monday are now over for the year. But just how did Black Friday and Cyber Monday fare this year? And how can you make it work for you in 2020?
Read MoreWith December just days away, we are in the final few weeks of the Christmas countdown. Take some time now to review and adjust your Christmas marketing plan so you can make the most of the season.
Read MorePreviously, businesses without a fixed address were put off having a Google my Business account because they didn’t have a public business address to use. However, things have changed so don't waste the opportunity.
Read MoreWebsite designs have continued to evolve this year. As always there are several trends which have emerged this year. But just what are they...
Read MoreBert is a name that is being thrown around in the online marketing world at the moment. Bert is no one special, but the impact that Bert has is substantial.
Read MoreDon't switch off now that the winter is here, make these last 56 days of 2019 count and see out the year with a bang. Spending the time now on your plans for the final weeks of 2019 and the start of 2020 will pay dividends.
Read MoreWith the temperatures dropping and the need for something warm to keep you going, nachos are the perfect answer. Check out our Halloween nachos here.
Read MoreTypography is something that we all see in our day to day lives. It has the ability to make us buy something, avoid something, or even generate real feelings for the subject in question. Using typography wrongly is easy to do and frightening thought.
Read MoreSocial media is a delicate balancing act between sales-focused posts and non-sales posts. Adding personality to your social media channels can help you create and keep this balance - learn more here.
Read More
There are a whole raft of CMSs out there these days, but how do you decide which one to use? Read this article to find out your options.
Read MoreWrap up your online presence today to help get your business through the cold weather and straight up to Christmas right here with our Nachos checklist.
Read MoreA redesigned and redeveloped website for Bee Craft Magazine saw the site bounce rate drop by 96.37% and more. Learn more here about the improvements that a great design and a well developed site can have.
Read MoreThis year Black Friday is taking place on the Friday the 29th of November 2019, whilst Cyber Monday is taking place on Monday the 1st of December 2019. What is the plan for this year's event, and how can you make the most of it?
Read MoreYou may have noticed when flicking through your Instagram feed lately that there has been a change in the image format within some accounts.
Read MoreDon't make the mistake of dismissing Christmas to deal with at a later date. Start your planning now to ensure you make Christmas 2019 a Christmas to remember. Check out our Christmas Countdown Checklist right here to help you on your way.
Read MoreEcosia is a new search engine, whilst it does exactly what you would expect a search engine to do it is also a little different as it plants a trees. Read more here.
Read MoreCome rain or shine, nachos can be enjoyed. Why not grab the BBQ this summer and make some nachos straight over the grill.
Read MoreThere are many people in the world who have some form of vision impairment, thanks to huge strides in technology these people don’t have to miss out on the digital world. But what can you do to help?
Read MoreGoogle made a whopping 3,200 changes to its search algorithm in the past 12 months alone. Don't let your website become stagnant - constant efforts and adjustments are required to keep ahead of the competition.
Read MoreDon't forget about the opportunities that social media platforms can offer you and your business - they can drive a huge amount of traffic to your website with their captive audience. Learn more here.
Read MoreWhy use a business system? A custom developed business system will act like a second pair of hands. A well behaved, always there for you, second pair of hands.
Read MoreIts our Second Birthday! This past year has flown by and we have enjoyed every second of it.
Read MoreInstagram Stories users are going to be extremely happy with Instagram’s latest update. Learn more here.
Read MoreThe design, look and feel of your website counts. The latest stats show that 81% of customers think less of a brand if its website is not up to date. Take a moment to refresh your website design.
Read MoreWhat is a Shadowban? And how does it affect me on Instagram? Find out here to ensure that your Instagram posts are not hit by a Shadowban.
Read MoreGoogle has announced that as of the 1st of July 2019, all new websites previously unknown to them will be indexed mobile first. See here for how this affects your website.
Read MoreAny good business owner reviews their business frequently, but don't forget your website. To help you on your way, read our four checks that all business owners should conduct regularly right here.
Read MoreInstagram have announced that they are considering removing the visible ‘Likes’ on each post in an attempt to reduce the sense of competition amongst Instagram users.
Read MoreThe new version of Facebook, codename ‘FB5’, is the biggest change to one of the most popular and used social media platforms since its launch.
Read MoreAs a small business, one of the most frustrating things is simply not getting feedback from your customers. Learn how you can gain feedback and reviews to help you improve your business right here.
Read MoreEaster is very nearly here so why not celebrate Easter with Nachos! Check out a fantastic recipe here.
Read MoreGoogle seem to be updating their Google my Business platform a lot lately, learn more about the latest update to the management of reviews.
Read MoreThe latest stats surrounding website speeds shows that nearly 70% of consumers willingness to buy has been negatively impacted by slow loading websites!
Read MoreInstagram have added a checkout feature to their mobile apps to make online purchasing much easier for users.
Read MoreNow you can set the location that your business operates in, your service area, within your Google my Business account. Learn more here.
Read MoreGoogle’s efforts to fight against these scammers results in Chrome users being alerted to the fact that they might be visiting an imposter website should they land on one of these websites. Learn more here.
Read MoreThe use of voice assistants like Amazon Alexa is set to grow 25% per year in the run up to 2023. Ensure that you feature v-commerce in your marketing strategy to ensure that you don’t get left behind.
Read MoreA bug within Instagram has seen many accounts experience a drop in followers overnight. Have you been affected?
Read MoreGoogle+ is officially shutting down on the 2nd of April 2019. What does this mean for few remaining Google+ users in exsistance?
Read MoreAll UK registered EU domains are at risk but its not all doom and gloom. Read our guide on how you can prepare for the changes to come.
Read MoreOnline reviews and their management is often a tricky task for business owners. Learn here just how to handle both positive and negative online reviews.
Read MoreWe are all busy sparking joy in our homes, but what about our businesses and our online presence? Learn more here.
Read MoreThe New Year is here! Time to think ahead so that you can make 2019 unfortgettable for you and your business.
Read MoreIf you have had your fill of Christmas food, then put a twist on your Nachos with the leftovers. Check out the Digital Nachos way of making Christmas nachos right here.
Read MoreWith only a few weeks of 2018 left, Google have released their annual search trends report and there are some interesting, if not all surprising, trends that have happened through out the year. The searches for “What is…?” were topped with technology in mind...
Read MoreWith just 18 days to go until Christmas Day! Take the time now to review your Christmas marketing, activities and efforts to help keep them on track for a brilliant Christmas.
Read MoreBlack Friday 2018 saw £7 billion spent in the UK retail sector, unsurprisingly the bulk of these sales came from online purchases. But just who won and how can you win in 2019?
Read MoreSmall businesses are the backbone of the UK and deserve to have a spotlight shone on them this Christmas time. Give them your support this Christmas!
Read MoreKeeping your computer, its data and your personal information stored on the computer is important. With computer security day coming up, check out our guide for keeping yourself and your business secure.
Read MoreTuck in and EAT your website – ensure that it portrays expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness to ensure that your website benefits. Read more here.
Read MoreThere is a lot in the news at the moment regarding the latest Budget announcement from the Chancellor. Just what is 'Digital Tax' and what does it mean?
Read MoreWhen talking about online marketing with clients, the one phrase that often gets met with a blank or puzzled face is the phrase ‘Meta Information’. To help, we have created the following information page. Enjoy.
Read MoreSaying thank you to your customers after they have visited your shop, or purchased something from you, is second nature. So why are we not doing it for online orders?
Read MoreThey are a common feature but do they really get the attention they deserve? Learn about their benefits here and be converted for the benefit of your business.
Read MorePoems allow you to lose yourself in another universe. As its National Poetry Day we have found a fantastic Nacho themed poem which certainly made us hungry. Enjoy!
Read MoreMake Christmas 2018 one to remember with the following ideas for boosting your Christmas sales. Learn more here.
Read MoreAugust? September? October? November? December? Find out here to help you and your business be prepared for the Christmas shopping period.
Read MoreSummer is now over and normal routines have resumed – is it too early to talk Christmas? No! Get your business on track for a fantastic Christmas now!
Read MoreGoogle has a new look! It's softer lines and a streamlined top menu helps bring it up to date.
Read MoreChanging site? Google has recommended exactly how you should manage your move, find out more here.
Read MoreAt the beginning of August Google rolled out their latest update, known as the Medic Update. Find out here just what this update does and who it affects.
Read MoreTurn your positive summer mood into a positive business step. Take some time this summer to refresh your website and your online marketing to make 2018 the best yet.
Read MoreNow is the time for ecommerce stores to get ahead and start prepping for Christmas! Why? What! How? Find out here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreOn these warm summer evenings, tuck into some Nachos. Check out the Digital Nachos way of making summer nachos right here.
Read MoreWith many of us planning summer breaks, just how do you keep your marketing going when you are off enjoying yourself? Find out how here.
Read MoreWhich platforms were the worse offenders and most at risk to hacking and security breaches in 2017. What can we learn from them and how you can ensure your website does not fall prey.
Read MoreIt's our first birthday! We have had a fantastic year working with some wonderful clients and their great projects.
Read MoreThe EU Parliament have voted to approve a Bill that could change the internet as we know it. Read more here to keep up to date on the proposed Bill and how it can affect you.
Read MoreEveryone wants to ensure that their website can be accessed by everyone, no matter what their ability. But just how do you ensure your website is accessible? With deaf/blind awareness week taking place this month, lets find out together.
Read MoreLoyalty programs are on the rise, don’t be defeated, they are accessible for even the smallest businesses out there. Read more here.
Read MorePresent your business as reputable and trustworthy with a few simple key trust signals. Read more here with Digital Nachos.
Read MoreGDPR has not been enjoyable for anyone, however, the end is in sight and the benefits are great, we swear.
Read MoreWe all want to see our business succeed, but what happens when you are ready to move on or retire? Make your website attractive to buyers with these factors.
Read MoreSpring is well and truly here. Check out our guide for Spring cleaning the Nachos way to ensure that your website is ready for the year ahead.
Read MoreWith one month left until the latest GDPR legislation comes into force, here is how to inform your customers of your privacy policy without the confusing legal jargon.
Read MoreAfter Brexit UK residents will no longer be able to hold .eu domains. Don’t be left behind, get your .eu domains changed and branded. Learn more here.
Read MoreA lot of energy is spent on getting sales, but how to you ensure great customer service post sale to match the ecommerce giants and more?
Read MoreLatest news from Instagram shows that they have rolled out the long awaited ‘Instagram Shopping’ here in the UK. Learn more here.
Read MoreThere has been a major change in the way that Google presents answers to questions asked, see here how it will affect you.
Read MoreFake reviews and ratings are a burden on many honest business, check out our advice on how to handle and have these fake reviews removed.
Read MoreHaving a secure website is no longer optional if you wish to appear in Google from this Summer, make sure your website is not left behind.
Read MoreThe lack of accuracy on websites and social media channels is all too common, protect your brand and your sales by keeping them up to date.
Read MoreThe term ‘SEO’ gets thrown around a lot but what does it actually mean and how can it be used to help improve the results you get from your online offering.
Read MoreWhat should be your websites focus to improve traffics and sales? Check out our approach to improving sales and traffic for websites right here.
Read MoreA website is open to the world, but does your website allow everyone to see it? Here are a few accessibility guidelines that will guide you through including everyone in your site.
Read MoreThe GDPR deadline is approaching fast so lets take a look at what you need to look out for on your website to ensure you comply.
Read MoreForms are a vital part of most websites but some are nicer than others. Here are a few tips to not drive users crazy.
Read MoreHere is what we think should be the main focus for your online marketing in 2018 and how taking this focus can grow your business online.
Read MoreThe New Year is here! Time to put away the Christmas decorations and look forward to the future.
Read MoreSelecting the ideal Christmas present for loved ones can be tricky, but what can you do as a business to help your customers this Christmas?
Read MoreAfter the rush of Black Friday, just how have you and your business fared. Who were the winners and losers of this huge ecommerce event?
Read MoreCan your website stand up to the pressure? We look at what can be done to help your website stand up to the pressures of high traffic events.
Read MoreContent is considered the single best thing for SEO and wider online marketing, but now Voice Search must be considered.
Read MoreNachos are the perfect meal or snack as we head into these cold winter months. Don’t just take our word for it, try them yourself!
Read MoreMany businesses run on inefficient systems and processes. Making a few changes can make your company more efficient and your employees lives easier.
Read MoreKeeping your website up-to-date is an important task for every business, no matter what the size. Check out our quick go to guide to keep your website on point.
Read MoreA lot can happen in a second despite it sounding like an insignificant amount of time. Find out here just what could happen to your website and marketing in just a single second, or less.
Read MoreWith Christmas fast approaching how can your business get ready for the Christmas period? Digital Nachos has you covered.
Read MoreThe new Data Protection Act is coming into force in 2018, how can your business be prepared? Find out here and how Digital Nachos can assist.
Read MoreReports of Instagram changing their grid system from 3 across to 4 have emerged. What impact would this have?
Read MoreWhat is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? How does the more secure HTTP help your website and your users? Find out here.
Read More