You may have noticed some changes in your Instagram grid in the past week.

Instagram have amended their grid so it is no longer a grid of square images. Instead the grid is now a grid of vertical rectangular images.

Instagram claim that this change is more suited to how the majority of its users use the app.

It is certainly showing a clear sign of Instagram’s preference for reels/videos on its platform. If you have yet to consider or implement videos on your Instagram page, make sure you add this to your to do list.

Whilst the change is new, we have done our best to answer your questions below.


What size should I upload now?

1080 X 1350px / a 4:5 ratio

Can I amend my current grid?

No, maybe, and possibly yes.

You are unable to replace images within an Instagram post, once they are up/live you can only delete and repost if you want to replace an image.

Digital Nachos is not suggesting that we all delete all of our square Instagram posts and reupload them in the new format.

At the moment you can use ‘adjust preview’ to amend how the image is shown.

Using the ‘adjust preview’ option it allows you to ‘fit to grid’ but that will introduce a solid colour border to the top and bottom of the image in order for the square image to fit within the new shape.

If you have uploaded a post to Instagram and cropped it to size within their editing tools then you should have more flexibility.

Note: How to get to the ‘adjust preview’ option on Instagram.

1.Click on the Instagram image that you want to adjust and click on the three dots to the top right of the image

2.On the menu that pops up, click on the ‘adjust preview’ option

3.Use the rather limited tools within the adjust preview option to edit your image

4.Don’t forget to click ‘Done’ to save your amends

However, Instagram have claimed that they are working on the ability to customise the thumbnails of our posts. They stated that they...

‘know some of you spend a lot of time tweaking your grids, and this blew all of that up, so we’re going to improve the ability to customise those thumbnails to make it easier to get back to a place you’re happy with.’

So perhaps we will be able to edit our existing Instagram posts further, hopefully soon.


If you have any other questions regarding Instagram’s latest image change, simply get in touch with the team here and we will do our very best to assist.

Published: 25th Jan 2025

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