A common question that we get asked is what should be your website’s focus to help you get more traffic and sales.

Quite often companies place a large amount of importance on their website’s rankings, how well it is doing in Google for certain keywords and phrases.

Whilst no one can deny that a high listing on Google can help drive traffic to your website - quite often the drive for these high listings can leave companies swimming in thick mud, getting nowhere and becoming very frustrated.

Here at Digital Nachos we believe in a far more organic and natural approach to ensuring visitors and sales.

The Digital Nachos Approach


First impressions count. Fact.

Driving lots of traffic to your website is useless if your website does not have the professional image to keep users on the site and converting.

Investing in a great website design that helps to showcase your offering, your voice and your brand can help benefit your business. Driving up traffic and sales through ongoing great user signals to Google.


If you have useful, relevant content on your website, then you will gain visitors who stay and convert. This action will in turn promote trust in your company and the services you offer.

When you have built up this trust you can show search engines that you are an authority figure in your industry and good quality links to your content will help boost your search engine rankings.

Calls to action

Optimising your calls to action e.g. ‘Buy Now’ buttons or ‘Contact Us’ prompts, is how you know your website is reaching its targets.

Making these action points stand out from your content but remain on brand and not too pushy is a fine balance to achieve but with careful optimisation you can often see sales and leads from your website increase.

Focusing on these three elements will ensure that your website is up to scratch and ready to receive visitors. This kind of positive improvement on your website will be picked up by users and in turn Google, improving your ranking positions in an organic and natural way.

If you would like to implement the Digital Nachos approach on your website the get in touch today.

Published: 25th Jan 2018

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