It’s that time of year! The Summer Holidays!
Nothing quite like taking a week or two off and heading off to enjoy some quality time in a different place.
For many people this is bliss, for a business owner it presents a balancing act of managing the business whilst allowing yourself some time off.
If you are a small business owner who manages their own marketing, just how do you maintain your marketing efforts without having to take your work on holiday with you. Or loosing the momentum that you have built up. Luckily for you, Nachos have some ideas and suggestions.
How to Take a Break, but not from your Marketing
With a little planning and organisation, a lot of your marketing work can be planned and scheduled ahead of time.
There are a great many tools available that will allow you to schedule Facebook posts and tweets.
Instagram is a trickier platform for scheduling. However, providing you have got the images and text ready there are platforms that will prompt you to post on Instagram at a date and time set, and allow you to copy and paste a post you have previously created on to the app.
This of course assumes that the content for the social posts have been created. It is generally a good idea to get a few weeks ahead of your content schedule anyway so that you have some lee-way built in for any hectic weeks at work. In the run up to your summer break, push yourself a little harder to build in a few more weeks of lee-way than normal so that you have it ready to go.
Any special offers can be set up to run at certain times. Its simply a case of ensuring that your ecommerce website, and checkout process. in particularly is fighting fit.
It is always worthwhile that you have a person capable of stepping in for any ecommerce or customer service issues. Whilst taking a break is important for your own health and well being, as a small business owner you need to ensure that your reputation is maintained.
Extra Time? Ha
If time is one resource that you don’t have in the run up to your summer break then don’t forget that there are plenty of companies out there that can step in to produce content, post on social media and manage your online shop.
Here at Digital Nachos we are happy to discuss how we can assist you through the summer to ensure that you are able to take a break and still keep your marketing and business going.
Don’t Forget
Last but not least, don’t forget to put your out of office on and enjoy your summer break.
Published: 6th Jul 2018