Google have annouced that they are officially shutting down Google+ on the 2nd of April 2019.

This comes after years of rolling back their promotion of the channel after simply not being able to make the social media platform popular enough in a competitive social marketplace, and recent data leaks due to a bug in their system.

On the 2nd of April 2019 all Google+ pages and their content will be deleted. Those remaining Google+ users have until then to remove any content and photos that they want to keep.

Google has already taken away the ability for users to create a new Google+ account, and they will shortly take away their exisitng users ability to comment on Google+ posts.

If you are or have been a Google+ user and you wish to save your content from being deleted then there is information on Google's help channel regarding how this can be done. 

Published: 13th Feb 2019

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