Strange statement to make, but its true. You should all E A T your website.
E xpertise
A uthoritativeness
T rustworthiness
Does your website portray all of these elements? If not, why not!
Take half an hour and go through your website section by section, starting with the home page.
EAT Your Home Page
You can EAT your home page by ensuring that it has the following elements.
- Clear Branding, with this branding flowing on and offline
- Contact Details, ensure that your phone number and email address is clearly shown so that customers know they can contact you easily
- Key service factors shown, these include ‘Free Delivery’
- Testimonials and/or blogs/case studies for people to browse and view
- Links to pages such as T&C, privacy notice, delivery costs and even FAQs page
Does your home page have these?
EAT Your Content
Go through all content and check it against EAT.
Ensure that the wording you have used is correct, that any technical wording is explained in layman’s terms and that the tone is appropriate for your audience.
If there are any statements or facts, then ensure that you reference where those statements and facts originate from. This is extremely important in industries such as beauty, electronics, health and those selling or using financial products.
Take a good look at the imagery used and ensure that it looks clean and professional. Remove any and all blurry images and create new images to take their place.
For product images, think about what a person would look at if they were in a physical store. Ensure that there are images of the product from multiple angles and in situ. All of extra effort will help portray your website in a positive manner.
Social Media for EAT
Having and using social media helps you EAT your website. You can show the social media icons on your home page and link them directly to your pages.
People get a great deal of re-assurance from knowing that you have social channels as they are further methods of getting in touch with you regarding their order or service.
Social media also gives people a chance to see how you have interacted with previous customers and see those all important reviews.
Due to the role that social media can have on your website’s EAT you must ensure that your companies’ branding is on show and that all the information fields are completed.
What happens if I don’t EAT my website?
Should your website not meet the EAT guidelines then this will have a negative effect on how your website is percieved by website visitors and search engines as a result.
Google is cracking down on website’s that aren’t showing expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness in an effort to remove spammy websites from their search results.
After all, Google is only as good as its search results, if search users keep getting poor search results filled with non-EAT websites then they will stop using Google.
Read more about Google's medic update here, this update saw websites that are not EAT in industries that affect people's money or their life affected.
So take the time to EAT your website and see the benefits that it brings to you. Once you have EAT-ten (couldn't resist) your website then you can go and eat a hearty portion of nachos!
Published: 8th Nov 2018