Previously we discussed the difference between HTTP sites and HTTPS sites, you can read the full blog post on this topic below:
HTTP or HTTPS? What Benefits my Website?
Google have now announced that as of July 2018 all non-HTTPS websites will be marked as ‘not secure’ in Chrome browsers.
Whilst Google has been pushing for HTTPS websites for a while now it has taken this a step further, from encouragement to enforcement, to help secure websites featured across its search engines and its users.
What will this mean for my website?
If you already have a HTTPS website, then your website will be fine and not impacted by this change.
If you don’t already have a HTTP website, then your website will be impacted. Any non HTTPS websites will simply be pushed down further in Google searches as it continues to prioritise HTTPS websites.
It is worth noting that Chrome is used by 2 billion people worldwide and this accounts for 53% of the world wide internet browser market. In Europe Chrome makes up just 29% of the market but this still makes them the top browser.
These figures are slightly skewed towards desktop users with 63% of desktop users using Chrome and just 47% of mobile users using Chrome.
Stats taken from
This doesn’t even take into account the number of Google users, Google being the largest search engine in the UK, on other browsers.
Therefore, if you do not change from HTTP to HTTPS there will be a substantial portion of search engine users who will be unable to find your website online.
How do I change from HTTP to HTTPS?
To change your website from HTTP to HTTPS then you simply need to implement a SSL certificate on your website.
Once this is done then it is a case of running through a series of checks to ensure that the changes in your URLs are taken care of and then you are away.
The team here at Digital Nachos can take you through this process, ensuring that your website is secure and its affects are implemented successfully. Simply get in touch today.
Published: 18th Feb 2018