LinkedIn is having a refresh. It’s the first one for the platform in just under five years.
It will first be introduced in America and Canada before it is gradually rolled out here in the UK.
LinkedIn has stated that they are looking for a new streamlined experience which in turn will make it easier for its users to navigate and connect.
However, this refresh isn’t just cosmetic, LinkedIn is introducing a few new features which will enhance the experience of the social media platform.
The biggest new feature is the introduction of a video feature, essentially a video chat, which will allow LinkedIn users to interact virtually face to face. Something that is fitting for the current circumstances we find ourselves in.
These virtual calls will be run through Zoom and Microsoft Team - remember that Microsoft owns LinkedIn.
On top of this feature, LinkedIn is rolling out its own version of Instagram Stories, a popular tool which allows Instagram users to post video content which only appears for 24 hours.
And finally, LinkedIn has focused on the messaging side of the platform. Introducing emojis for fast responses and allowing LinkedIn users to edit messages that they have sent to allow them to correct a mistake. Equally, if you sent a message that is no longer needed or sent the wrong attachment you can remove it so that it cannot be seen by the message recipient anymore.
No clear look has been given for exactly how it will look when live, but we will be watching.
Published: 29th Sep 2020